Vancouver needs to lead, enrolling other levels of government. To provide effective leadership good data is required.

We do not know how many affordable units are consumed as we “build more supply”. We are building more upscale supply, but homelessness continues. We don’t see the squeezed renters paddling as fast as they can to stay housed. We need good data, even if we think we know what is going on, me thinks there is more than we know to this and the city should lead with data before leading with solutions.

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Simon, I agree 100%. I have developed a database of spot rezonings around the city (350+ under this Council), I had to visit 350+ different city sites to collect what I have, and I never get updates unless I visit the sites again—not.

Avi Barzelai @EastVanBuilder tweeted his frustration at the way city staff have also reduces the building permit stats so it is similarly difficult to find out BP data. He has some interesting findings about the time it takes to get a simple permit (6-13 months). Wpth following.

Cllr Colleen Hardwick, TEAM's mayoral candidate, asked staff in an approved motion TWO YEARS AGO for data—they have yet to provide it and nobody on Council seems to care, except her. A TEAM-led Council will make big changes to transparency.

Meantime I will struggle with the data I have and continue to parse it as appropriate. Thanks for reading.

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