I know we need to do better for our most needy and for our fair share of those coming to our city
We need to be able to look after ourselves first! “We” is an inclusive term and doesn’t discriminate. “Most needy”? There are those less fortunate by virtue of the gifts they were born with and there are those who have abused themselves and abused society by either neglecting to make an honest effort to provide for themselves and to avoid responsibility for themselves and there are those who have become social pariahs by feeding off the welfare state!
We all have needs and to omit personal responsibility and view those “most needy” as more deserving than one who has made an honest effort to make the most of their lives and avoid alcohol: other drugs, gambling, promiscuous sexual behaviour, criminal practices and sloth is to deny the realities of life!
Not every “victim” is a victim in the truest sense! Many people suffer from self inflicted wounds and suffer the consequences of having made poor life choices and I believe it is unfair to “lump them in” with those who would benefit from our social safety net and housing through no fault of their own or struggle with impairments physical, mental, emotional, financial etc.
Our job is not to “house all homeless”! We can’t afford to neglect people who have real challenges (not the result of poor choices in life or self abuse), and lump all of the needy in the same boat!
There should be a hierarchy of need! When the average person (employed), can’t afford to purchase a house and, or struggles with rent then why should we “Rob Peter to pay Paul”?
I would rather earnestly strive to help those who have not placed themselves in a precarious position because they abused themselves or society or didn’t aspire to improve their own lot in life. The poor will always be with us! Let us house working families: individuals, seniors and youths who are / have made an effort to be part of, and to contribute to society first!
Giving safer drugs to addicts is not a blessing it is a curse! Who among you willingly give drugs to anyone they loved? Who thinks it is a good idea to give money and housing to a person who has proven to be incapable of looking after their own health and welfare and in many cases has worked hard to damage themselves and bring about the demise of our society through criminal activity?
Help those who are helping themselves (or who have not caused damage to themselves through fault of their own or personal neglect), help the seniors, working poor, those seeking education, families and all people who have made, are making an honest effort to help themselves first!
We should be less concerned about helping those “coming here” than helping those who are here! “We” can discriminate in this manner to help the broad cross section of humanity from all the nations of the world who are already here! You can not give what you don’t have without running the risk of a massive deficit that will further exacerbate our present lamentable situation!
Housing is not a human right! Housing is a necessity and a privilege which good people have aspired to provide for themselves and others since time immemorial! Housing has a cost associated with it, just as poor life choices has a variety of costs associated with personal neglect and lack of responsibility, accountability and integrity!
Help to house those who need help through no fault of their own first! Help to house those who are working to provide for themselves and their families second! Help to house those making an honest effort to recover from self inflicted wounds and personal neglect next!
Those who have never made an honest effort but could have, those who have wilfully abused themselves and the system are those most apt to suffer recidivism and are those least likely to reap the true benefit and reward society by improving themselves!
Help those we have the best chance of succeeding with first! Help the refugee who views Canada as an opportunity to improve their lot in life and believe le we are a free and safe country!
Society has always struggled to help those called “most needy” and once upon a time “we the people” felt it was our privilege, duty and moral obligation to do as much willingly! Now we seek to defer to the welfare state and socialist agendas. We accept payment for Canadian homes in funds that can not be proven to be from a legitimate legal source and we have chosen to sell off our heritage to those who have no interest (other than profiting their foreign businesses), and themselves by inflating our markets and then cashing out!
If we fail to help ourselves and promote, even house affordably those striving in earnest to provide and help themselves and their loved ones then we as a society will never be able to help those poor (who make or made no effort to help themselves and actually and were a burden on society because of crime and drugs / gambling and not paying alimony or child support!
Housing is not a human right! Housing is a human need! We should find value in work and endeavour to help each other by acknowledging and rewarding each person’s efforts and assuming the best in each other, and wanting the best for each other! We need to build a strong base and not build on clay! We need to build on that we have in common, hard work, education, personal responsibility, positive life choices and love for each other!
We can not give what we don’t have! You can only take from those already struggling for so long before the permanent underclass becomes the norm and society devolves and decays at an ever increasing rate with all the unwanted and undesirable social ills which we are now afraid to even name dragging us down
We all need help! We all need love! Let us first help those who want help and are willing to help themselves and ascribe to the values and social mores of what we call society!
I know we need to do better for our most needy and for our fair share of those coming to our city
We need to be able to look after ourselves first! “We” is an inclusive term and doesn’t discriminate. “Most needy”? There are those less fortunate by virtue of the gifts they were born with and there are those who have abused themselves and abused society by either neglecting to make an honest effort to provide for themselves and to avoid responsibility for themselves and there are those who have become social pariahs by feeding off the welfare state!
We all have needs and to omit personal responsibility and view those “most needy” as more deserving than one who has made an honest effort to make the most of their lives and avoid alcohol: other drugs, gambling, promiscuous sexual behaviour, criminal practices and sloth is to deny the realities of life!
Not every “victim” is a victim in the truest sense! Many people suffer from self inflicted wounds and suffer the consequences of having made poor life choices and I believe it is unfair to “lump them in” with those who would benefit from our social safety net and housing through no fault of their own or struggle with impairments physical, mental, emotional, financial etc.
Our job is not to “house all homeless”! We can’t afford to neglect people who have real challenges (not the result of poor choices in life or self abuse), and lump all of the needy in the same boat!
There should be a hierarchy of need! When the average person (employed), can’t afford to purchase a house and, or struggles with rent then why should we “Rob Peter to pay Paul”?
I would rather earnestly strive to help those who have not placed themselves in a precarious position because they abused themselves or society or didn’t aspire to improve their own lot in life. The poor will always be with us! Let us house working families: individuals, seniors and youths who are / have made an effort to be part of, and to contribute to society first!
Giving safer drugs to addicts is not a blessing it is a curse! Who among you willingly give drugs to anyone they loved? Who thinks it is a good idea to give money and housing to a person who has proven to be incapable of looking after their own health and welfare and in many cases has worked hard to damage themselves and bring about the demise of our society through criminal activity?
Help those who are helping themselves (or who have not caused damage to themselves through fault of their own or personal neglect), help the seniors, working poor, those seeking education, families and all people who have made, are making an honest effort to help themselves first!
We should be less concerned about helping those “coming here” than helping those who are here! “We” can discriminate in this manner to help the broad cross section of humanity from all the nations of the world who are already here! You can not give what you don’t have without running the risk of a massive deficit that will further exacerbate our present lamentable situation!
Housing is not a human right! Housing is a necessity and a privilege which good people have aspired to provide for themselves and others since time immemorial! Housing has a cost associated with it, just as poor life choices has a variety of costs associated with personal neglect and lack of responsibility, accountability and integrity!
Help to house those who need help through no fault of their own first! Help to house those who are working to provide for themselves and their families second! Help to house those making an honest effort to recover from self inflicted wounds and personal neglect next!
Those who have never made an honest effort but could have, those who have wilfully abused themselves and the system are those most apt to suffer recidivism and are those least likely to reap the true benefit and reward society by improving themselves!
Help those we have the best chance of succeeding with first! Help the refugee who views Canada as an opportunity to improve their lot in life and believe le we are a free and safe country!
Society has always struggled to help those called “most needy” and once upon a time “we the people” felt it was our privilege, duty and moral obligation to do as much willingly! Now we seek to defer to the welfare state and socialist agendas. We accept payment for Canadian homes in funds that can not be proven to be from a legitimate legal source and we have chosen to sell off our heritage to those who have no interest (other than profiting their foreign businesses), and themselves by inflating our markets and then cashing out!
If we fail to help ourselves and promote, even house affordably those striving in earnest to provide and help themselves and their loved ones then we as a society will never be able to help those poor (who make or made no effort to help themselves and actually and were a burden on society because of crime and drugs / gambling and not paying alimony or child support!
Housing is not a human right! Housing is a human need! We should find value in work and endeavour to help each other by acknowledging and rewarding each person’s efforts and assuming the best in each other, and wanting the best for each other! We need to build a strong base and not build on clay! We need to build on that we have in common, hard work, education, personal responsibility, positive life choices and love for each other!
We can not give what we don’t have! You can only take from those already struggling for so long before the permanent underclass becomes the norm and society devolves and decays at an ever increasing rate with all the unwanted and undesirable social ills which we are now afraid to even name dragging us down
We all need help! We all need love! Let us first help those who want help and are willing to help themselves and ascribe to the values and social mores of what we call society!
Brian, you should do a story entitled "Planner against the Vancouver Plan"
The list of highly respected and credentialed specialist who have come out against this "unwanted" plan include:
1. Prof. Patrick Codon, Senior Planner
2. Prof. Scott Hein, former City of Vancouver Planner
3. Larry Beasley, former Vancouver City planner
4. Prof. Emeritus Penny Gurstein, Former Director, School of Community and Regional Planning, UBC
The list is sadly very, very long...
Thanks for the thoughts. With decision say probably tomorrow I’ve run out of time and steam but perhaps a bit further down the road.
Something like “how could do many, so smart, so experienced be so wrong?”