Thanks for sharing your insights as always, Brian. You’re lucky your son is such a patient listener ☺️

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Its foolish to think that a free market would create below market value housing. Either give agency to cities to build housing or fund coops and other nonprofits. Stop goofing around and solve the problem.

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"Below market rate", is one of the most dishonest terms around.

Example: Say the "Market Rate" for a given apartment is $4000 a month; "Below market rate' could be a monthly rent of $3500 a month, yet if the renter can only afford $2000 a month for rent, he/she is SOL.

There is only one solution and that is scalable public housing in livable maisonette style, low rise housing., based on ones income.

As our politcans, including the NDP, refuse to do what is needed, the present housing crisis will continue; the homeless will increase; tent cities will grow; and Vancouver will become more dystopian.

It comes down to the old adage; "Who is not afraid to bell the cat?"

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