Love your list of differences in meeting styles. Also, the definition of 'missing middle' has apparently gone from laneway, infill, basements, duplexes etc a number of years ago to large apartment buildings today.

The survey is pretty poor, as most of them are.

Odd they suggest larger infill houses when a small existing main house is present. This is already the current policy. I was allowed so many square feet for infill based of the size of the main house. Are they unaware that this is the current policy?

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I am working on a piece that tries to simplify the analyses of what's up for discussion. It's a tough slog, but making progress.

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I am so disheartened already with this council. It’s obvious that they are reading Vision’s handbook i.e ‘our way or the highway.’

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No disagreement from me. The honeymoon is quickly ending. 9.7% added taxes to maintain a bureaucracy that works to ignore residents is a bit (not, a lot) much. Thanks for reading.

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Always read you. You are the voice of reason.

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I left the Dunbar event wondering about its value, aside from the city being able to say that it held open houses. The completely uninitiated might have learned something from the information boards, but it would have been overwhelming to try to absorb all that in a crowd setting — far better to read it online. The young staffers appeared to be minimally informed. I heard one assuring a questioner that the new buildings would be “a little bigger” than what’s allowed now, and “a little taller.” No numbers.

People who have already studied this plan wouldn’t have learned anything new, and probably knew more than the staffers. It was frustrating not to have any place to record opinions or concerns besides expressing them to the young staffers. Who, as Brian says, weren’t taking any notes. Overall, it didn’t seem like a serious effort to gather public opinion or answer questions. By the time I left, not long before it ended, about 90-95 people had signed in as attendees.

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Carol, thanks for your observations. Not much to add to your insights. Take care.

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I went to the Dunbar event and share these sentiments. There is no accountability mechanism, no recording and measuring of the feedback at these events. A related problem is that members of the public aren't really seeing or hearing the questions and comments of fellow residents, as far as I can tell. I noticed people talking to staffers but not much at all to one another. Have we become more private and awkward after Covid? It looks like the 'small group' discussions at the online event (presumably using Zoom's breakout rooms) will have the same effect. Divide and conquer?

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I hope somebody is doing an academic study about the effects of COVID on community engagement. Anecdotally, they are huge.

I will be online for the end of month event, will see what happens there. I attended such meetings for the Broadway Plan, the Vancouver Plan and the Jericho Lands. If they are the comparisons we should not expect too much.

Thanks for reading.

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The “open houses” are purely for visibility: so that the ruling council can say they were seen in the neighbourhoods consulting their asses off. The outcome doesn’t matter.

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The outcome does matter, but I agree with “being seen to be consulting.” Sadly.

Thanks for reading.

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Did the survey. The questions are arranged to provide the answer the planners want or make it impossible to provide appropriate answers. So much for real citizen input....

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Sandy, thanks for doing the survey. I agree with your thoughts. Take care and thanks for reading.

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We tried to get on Mondays on-line discussion, but not having used the odd city platform, and not being that computer savvy, we gave up after several attempts failed. We zoom regularly, but the app the city uses confounded us. A wanted half hour!

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I and others I know had similar issues, although I did get on about 5 minutes late. City staff always seem surprised that their Webex app is a challenge for others, especially when the dirsetions they give are wrong.

It was as adverised, about 15 minutes of staff reading through the info boards followed by 3/4h of audience questions (1/3 were from yours truly)—I will be writing about the experience in my next post. As with other city online meetings I have attended, the audience was invisible and I could only see my questions, nobody else's. City control of the narrative continues apace.

Take care and thanks for reading.

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