Thanks, Adam. These are outside Riley Park/ South Cambie. I will cover them when I get to their neighbourhood. I meant to include projects in progress in RS/SC, just forgot
I was demo-evicted from my home for the last 5 years and it is on your list.
The same development t company cleared out 3 other houses around the same time. All are on your list. I can share the
I was keeping tabs and informing / advocating for renters at my house and the other 3 houses all tenants were forced to move between May 2022-Aug 2022. Rezoning & development applications are still pending according to shape your city but 1 home was demolished yesterday and the other 3 will probably be gone by the end of this week.
All 4 properties have tenant relocation and protection policies as far as i know none were actually enacted and developers obligations to minimize disruption to tenants and ensure they were relocated to long term housing was not met.
I was treated horribly by the developers and the city staff supposed to protect tenants and hold developers accountable. I was not compensated,
( I should have been compensated 20000)
I was evicted without due process or cause. I had no assistance to navigate barriers to relocation I have due to disability and low income. I was only able to find temporary housing and I was harassed by developer for a year before being forced out of my home and twice being locked out without warning I did not have the assistance I needed to move al of my belongings
Renters displaced @
4088 Columbia - Where I was lease holder
5 Adults in private rooms sharing a 5 bed house ( 3 Low income w/ disability)
183 West King Edward ave
5 Adults in private rooms sharing a 5 bed house & 2 Adults in basement suite
Total 7 ( 6 People Of Colour )
Also on your list is the development planed for the site these homes are on =
187 W King Edward Ave (DP-2021-00469)
-16 Townhouses selling for over 1 million each
165 West King Edward Ave
8-10 vulnerable tenants renting @ this sober living house for people in recovery run by ? Private organization
157 West King Edward Ave
Total = 6 Renters displaced
4 renters in 3 bedrooms on main floor
2 renters in basement suite
The new development planed to replace these homes =
163 W King Edward Ave (DP-2022-00029)-
19 (1-3 bed) Townhouses selling for over 1 million each
The 4 houses being demolished will not be replaced by any rental housing or affordable housing.
I am so sorry to hear how badly you have been treated. The city’s rezoning/Shape Your City sites are not connected to their building permit site. I have tried to mine that data as well. What I see again and again is: a home is sold; tenants are evicted; a demolition permit is issued and the house is torn down; then the now empty site sits for months, more often years before any redevelopment occurs. That’s one of many reasons we need major change at city hall
I didn't see the Cambie Corridor listed in the mega projects - May have missed it but figured I would mention.
I hope my input in 1st comment is informative. I feel like all the powers that be debating about the fake numbers, and zones and labels like strata, secure, Market, secondary, affordable Market, below market, supported, subsidized, SRO...etc. and following all these label is "Site" so it is easy to forget that what needs to be discussed accounted for are not zones, lots, and not just to be sold and bought we need homes for people. All sorts of people- not just rich people. What the city planners need to be held accountable for is planning and prioritizing providing the housing we have so desperately needed for so long.
Sustainability and supporting the communities that are the heart and hope of the City needs to be a priority too. Listening and being guided by the input of the people who are in need of homes- To live in not just to profit from. As wells as the communities of people that love the place they live and are invested in how their neighbourhood is going to be developed and the people who want and need to be apart of a community and have safe and affordable housing to live in.
The Cambie Corridor is many sites, not a single address, which is why it does not show as such. I am working on my next conversation, which is about what’s at stake in South Cambie, where much of the Cambie Corridor is. May I quote from your comments above, please. They present a perspective that is valuable and too often missed.
Thank you for calling out some of the dubious statistics that seem to be presented these days. Is it under another name, or is the Heather Lands Rezoning included in these numbers?
No, I’m not in favour of the Broadway Plan and will not vote for any mayoralty candidate or counsellor who is. I have already expressed my concerns via email prior to the vote. I will lobby my family and friends to do their homework regarding the faulty info city council is peddling. We deserve better than an 11th hour end run in July when there is an election in October. This council has put their cards on the table though, so residents clearly see what they stand for - densification, major disruption and development and lack of transparency; not to mention less affordability.
Betty, your last sentence is a good, but sad synopsis. Please lobby family and friends to vote for true livability. For me (as I say at the bottom of each blogpost) that is TEAM.
Thanks for reading and voicing your thoughtful opinion.
THANK YOU Brian - this is a huge amount of data to assemble and present clearly. Our publicly funded City government needs to serve our citizenry (and council) by making planning permit activity visible, in an accessible way, once projects are underway.
Hey Brian - thank you for the huge amount of work you've done. Without it the concerns that we are expressing, from so many angles and legitimate perspectives, just get blown off and dismissed.
Looking over this report, I have a feeling that the numbers are huge because of the market we are currently in for DEVELOPMENT and SPECULATIVE real estate. I suspect that the market is more sophisticated than it used to be 10 or more years ago.
In other words, in the past, developers and speculators would buy lands from other speculators based on a hunch or on their experience and intuition regarding development potential.
Now, since the market is so hot, and there are so many properties on the market that are held by speculators, the developers and speculators can afford to be more choosy with what they pursue.
Consequently, the land holders/sellers have to take their sites further along in the development approval process. Where in the past they could sell based on "OCP says such and such development potential", now they have to apply for rezoning, obtain rezoning, apply for a development permit, and maybe obtain a development permit in order to sell the property to a developer or another speculator.
So, what I am saying is, of those 380 plus sites, maybe half or more are owned and being pushed through the development approval process by owners who have no intention of developing the sites as proposed. They are simply looking to increase the property's value and improve its salability.
We already have city plans in place which were yesrs in the making and went through a public hearing process and passed into law by council. The Vancouver "plan" is just a device I can see as to bypass all that zoning which had neighborhoods as their guide to plunk down massive twin towers on a podium base everywhere instead. Oh and in answer to the question. I am opposed to the vancouver plan.
This is truly enlightening and frightening! Will there ever be a council that can think outside the prevailing ideology that more is better? Kennedy was a good MP for Nth Bby and led the charge against the pipeline expansion. This tho? Not so much. Smart and thoughtful growth that doesn’t outpace infrastructure development isn’t too much to ask.
Great work, Brian. Here are a few other projects and plans that you may have missed:
Cambie Corridor
Onni-pearson dogwood
Heather Lands
Oakridge Transit Centre
Hogan's Alley revisited
I realize that some of these projects and plans may have been approved prior to 2018, or may not have been approved yet, but since they are so large, they will have a significant impact on your figures and basic argument.
Thanks Brian. I did a quick scan of your address list, and I saw the Oakridge Transit Centre, Onni Pearson-Dognwood and the Heather Lands. The others are probably in there too.
One big project I noticed that I did not recognize was 622-688 SW Marine Drive - 1146 units.
Thanks for documenting and presenting this mind-boggling overview. I don't think there's much joy for anyone in the current planning paradigm, including for developers who have cast doubt on their probable uptake of rental projects under the Broadway Plan, and by extension the Vancouver Plan. No joy for renters with median household income and below who would like to live in something decent and affordable. That will be a lottery with few winners.
No joy for renters with median household income and displacement, desperation, discrimination and denial of access to any affordable options, homelessness and unsheltered people are dieing in droves so This isn't just about finding decent affordable housing its about faling the most vulnerable people in our community so the wealthy can make even Folks living with a disablity or unable to earn a median income for whatever reason have no way to pay the rents that are now standard. A person with a permanent disability that prevents them from working recieves at most $1400/ month to live on. The city's idea of low income/affordable rent is $1200/ month. Affordable rental availabilty is non existent and the city is relying on some developers building 5% of the new units in buildings with hundreds of market or above market units approved and thre is plenty of evidence that developers are not motivated to do that but they are more than happy to promise it in rezoning and development phase...and the city then says there is affordable housing...but all we get is castles in the sky.
The Citizen of the Year Award should go to you Brian for your diligence in unearthing the hidden facts of housing in Vancouver. We can only hope, and must work toward, having these facts influence the decision-making at City Hall.
Not in favour. Thank you for your work and for bringing some reality to this plan. I felt a little like i was in a science fiction movie when in city chambers.
Thanks, Adam. These are outside Riley Park/ South Cambie. I will cover them when I get to their neighbourhood. I meant to include projects in progress in RS/SC, just forgot
I was demo-evicted from my home for the last 5 years and it is on your list.
The same development t company cleared out 3 other houses around the same time. All are on your list. I can share the
I was keeping tabs and informing / advocating for renters at my house and the other 3 houses all tenants were forced to move between May 2022-Aug 2022. Rezoning & development applications are still pending according to shape your city but 1 home was demolished yesterday and the other 3 will probably be gone by the end of this week.
All 4 properties have tenant relocation and protection policies as far as i know none were actually enacted and developers obligations to minimize disruption to tenants and ensure they were relocated to long term housing was not met.
I was treated horribly by the developers and the city staff supposed to protect tenants and hold developers accountable. I was not compensated,
( I should have been compensated 20000)
I was evicted without due process or cause. I had no assistance to navigate barriers to relocation I have due to disability and low income. I was only able to find temporary housing and I was harassed by developer for a year before being forced out of my home and twice being locked out without warning I did not have the assistance I needed to move al of my belongings
Renters displaced @
4088 Columbia - Where I was lease holder
5 Adults in private rooms sharing a 5 bed house ( 3 Low income w/ disability)
183 West King Edward ave
5 Adults in private rooms sharing a 5 bed house & 2 Adults in basement suite
Total 7 ( 6 People Of Colour )
Also on your list is the development planed for the site these homes are on =
187 W King Edward Ave (DP-2021-00469)
-16 Townhouses selling for over 1 million each
165 West King Edward Ave
8-10 vulnerable tenants renting @ this sober living house for people in recovery run by ? Private organization
157 West King Edward Ave
Total = 6 Renters displaced
4 renters in 3 bedrooms on main floor
2 renters in basement suite
The new development planed to replace these homes =
163 W King Edward Ave (DP-2022-00029)-
19 (1-3 bed) Townhouses selling for over 1 million each
The 4 houses being demolished will not be replaced by any rental housing or affordable housing.
I am so sorry to hear how badly you have been treated. The city’s rezoning/Shape Your City sites are not connected to their building permit site. I have tried to mine that data as well. What I see again and again is: a home is sold; tenants are evicted; a demolition permit is issued and the house is torn down; then the now empty site sits for months, more often years before any redevelopment occurs. That’s one of many reasons we need major change at city hall
I didn't see the Cambie Corridor listed in the mega projects - May have missed it but figured I would mention.
I hope my input in 1st comment is informative. I feel like all the powers that be debating about the fake numbers, and zones and labels like strata, secure, Market, secondary, affordable Market, below market, supported, subsidized, SRO...etc. and following all these label is "Site" so it is easy to forget that what needs to be discussed accounted for are not zones, lots, and not just to be sold and bought we need homes for people. All sorts of people- not just rich people. What the city planners need to be held accountable for is planning and prioritizing providing the housing we have so desperately needed for so long.
Sustainability and supporting the communities that are the heart and hope of the City needs to be a priority too. Listening and being guided by the input of the people who are in need of homes- To live in not just to profit from. As wells as the communities of people that love the place they live and are invested in how their neighbourhood is going to be developed and the people who want and need to be apart of a community and have safe and affordable housing to live in.
The Cambie Corridor is many sites, not a single address, which is why it does not show as such. I am working on my next conversation, which is about what’s at stake in South Cambie, where much of the Cambie Corridor is. May I quote from your comments above, please. They present a perspective that is valuable and too often missed.
Thank you for calling out some of the dubious statistics that seem to be presented these days. Is it under another name, or is the Heather Lands Rezoning included in these numbers?
JL is included in two places: the 10,000 they claim they will build; and the 8,000 more that their illustrative plan actually shows.
Thanks for reading
No, I’m not in favour of the Broadway Plan and will not vote for any mayoralty candidate or counsellor who is. I have already expressed my concerns via email prior to the vote. I will lobby my family and friends to do their homework regarding the faulty info city council is peddling. We deserve better than an 11th hour end run in July when there is an election in October. This council has put their cards on the table though, so residents clearly see what they stand for - densification, major disruption and development and lack of transparency; not to mention less affordability.
Betty, your last sentence is a good, but sad synopsis. Please lobby family and friends to vote for true livability. For me (as I say at the bottom of each blogpost) that is TEAM.
Thanks for reading and voicing your thoughtful opinion.
THANK YOU Brian - this is a huge amount of data to assemble and present clearly. Our publicly funded City government needs to serve our citizenry (and council) by making planning permit activity visible, in an accessible way, once projects are underway.
Sharon, I agree. We should not have to do this work!
Thanks for reading.
Hey Brian - thank you for the huge amount of work you've done. Without it the concerns that we are expressing, from so many angles and legitimate perspectives, just get blown off and dismissed.
Looking over this report, I have a feeling that the numbers are huge because of the market we are currently in for DEVELOPMENT and SPECULATIVE real estate. I suspect that the market is more sophisticated than it used to be 10 or more years ago.
In other words, in the past, developers and speculators would buy lands from other speculators based on a hunch or on their experience and intuition regarding development potential.
Now, since the market is so hot, and there are so many properties on the market that are held by speculators, the developers and speculators can afford to be more choosy with what they pursue.
Consequently, the land holders/sellers have to take their sites further along in the development approval process. Where in the past they could sell based on "OCP says such and such development potential", now they have to apply for rezoning, obtain rezoning, apply for a development permit, and maybe obtain a development permit in order to sell the property to a developer or another speculator.
So, what I am saying is, of those 380 plus sites, maybe half or more are owned and being pushed through the development approval process by owners who have no intention of developing the sites as proposed. They are simply looking to increase the property's value and improve its salability.
Adam, I suspect you are right. The fact that your thoughts are so credible is a large part of why TEAM is hoping to make change in October.
Thanks for reading.
We already have city plans in place which were yesrs in the making and went through a public hearing process and passed into law by council. The Vancouver "plan" is just a device I can see as to bypass all that zoning which had neighborhoods as their guide to plunk down massive twin towers on a podium base everywhere instead. Oh and in answer to the question. I am opposed to the vancouver plan.
I agree with your sentiments and observations. Thanks for reading.
This is truly enlightening and frightening! Will there ever be a council that can think outside the prevailing ideology that more is better? Kennedy was a good MP for Nth Bby and led the charge against the pipeline expansion. This tho? Not so much. Smart and thoughtful growth that doesn’t outpace infrastructure development isn’t too much to ask.
I agree, especially your last sentence. Thanks for reading
Great work, Brian. Here are a few other projects and plans that you may have missed:
Cambie Corridor
Onni-pearson dogwood
Heather Lands
Oakridge Transit Centre
Hogan's Alley revisited
I realize that some of these projects and plans may have been approved prior to 2018, or may not have been approved yet, but since they are so large, they will have a significant impact on your figures and basic argument.
Thanks, Adam, but I think I have those but via their street addresses. I will double check and advise
Thanks Brian. I did a quick scan of your address list, and I saw the Oakridge Transit Centre, Onni Pearson-Dognwood and the Heather Lands. The others are probably in there too.
One big project I noticed that I did not recognize was 622-688 SW Marine Drive - 1146 units.
Thanks for documenting and presenting this mind-boggling overview. I don't think there's much joy for anyone in the current planning paradigm, including for developers who have cast doubt on their probable uptake of rental projects under the Broadway Plan, and by extension the Vancouver Plan. No joy for renters with median household income and below who would like to live in something decent and affordable. That will be a lottery with few winners.
No joy for renters with median household income and displacement, desperation, discrimination and denial of access to any affordable options, homelessness and unsheltered people are dieing in droves so This isn't just about finding decent affordable housing its about faling the most vulnerable people in our community so the wealthy can make even Folks living with a disablity or unable to earn a median income for whatever reason have no way to pay the rents that are now standard. A person with a permanent disability that prevents them from working recieves at most $1400/ month to live on. The city's idea of low income/affordable rent is $1200/ month. Affordable rental availabilty is non existent and the city is relying on some developers building 5% of the new units in buildings with hundreds of market or above market units approved and thre is plenty of evidence that developers are not motivated to do that but they are more than happy to promise it in rezoning and development phase...and the city then says there is affordable housing...but all we get is castles in the sky.
Thanks for reading. Sadly I must agree with tour observations. Take care
The Citizen of the Year Award should go to you Brian for your diligence in unearthing the hidden facts of housing in Vancouver. We can only hope, and must work toward, having these facts influence the decision-making at City Hall.
Gloria, thanks for your kind words and for reading. I have sent the post to Mayor and Council, perhaps they will be read.
Not in favour. Thank you for your work and for bringing some reality to this plan. I felt a little like i was in a science fiction movie when in city chambers.
About Council chambers , I agree. Thank you for reading
Thanks for all the tireless work Brian. It is important that the true details are shown.
Richard, thanks for reading!