Thank you, Brian. We need more people like you, who think carefully and logically, and follow the commitments and actions of elected representatives. Let's hope that Vancouver City Council maintains its tradition of open access for citizens who wish to have their say. It must be painful for the Councillors to sit through redundant arguments night after night. But since 1970 when I first started to pay attention to Council and occasionally appear as a "delegation of one" or as part of a group, I've seen many decisions improved by citizen participation, and some awfully stupid decisions averted entirely. If only we could have such discussions over issues like World Cup of Football and Olympic subsidies, maybe there would be some money left in the City budget to deal more effectively with homelessness or at least to fix potholes ...

Tom Perry

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Glad you’re back and on your blog again. Very glad you took those screenshots. Hope your family visit was a good one.

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I wanted to share this after the election with my co-op. So here posting what they had on non-market supportive housing:


For social, supportive, and non-market housing, ABC Vancouver says it will:

Shift the City’s social and supportive housing strategy to focus on the delivery of quality, livable housing units;

Increase the City of Vancouver’s social and supportive housing investments in line with the consumer price index (CPI) every year;

Double the number of co-operative (co-op) housing units in Vancouver within the next four years;

Pilot housing for youth and youth ageing out of care in partnership with BC Housing;

Pilot a culturally appropriate, Indigenous-led supportive housing and wellness centre project;

Pre-identify locations in the city where density bonuses can be given to developers to accommodate the construction of additional non-market housing;

Champion the role of non-profits in the delivery of housing and strengthen protections and supports for Vancouver’s existing market and non-market housing rental stock;

Develop an overarching 20-year social and supportive housing plan for the City in partnership with BC Housing and other housing partners within two years;

Reopen and then update the DTES Area Plan in partnership with community members;

Encourage the construction of community-directed, culturally appropriate housing for seniors and develop concrete strategies for ageing in place;

Collaborate with providers to deliver additional housing units for those living with developmental disabilities;

Negotiate with the Federal and Provincial governments to remove GST, PST, and other development-and-construction-impacting taxes, like the property transfer tax for purpose-built rental housing, social housing, and supportive housing.

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Thankyou Brian for your earnest commitment to the cause, which will require this new City Council to hold true to TRANSPARENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY AND GOOD GOVERNMENT because we will hold their feet to the fire on this BOLD STAND !

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